Categories for Latest News

Road Safety Week 2023

Road Safety Week 2023

14 Nov 2023

19th November sees the start of Road Safety Week 2023 Road Safety Week is an annual campaign, organised by Brake,...

Product enhancement & value engineering for Pack Build

Product enhancement & value engineering for Pack Build

24 Oct 2023

The manufacturing team at Space Engineering are always looking at ways to improve our product offering.  Our recent focus has...

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

10 Oct 2023

Today, for World Mental Health Day, we're asking all employees to pause and reflect on their own mental health and...

MacMillan Coffee Morning

MacMillan Coffee Morning

28 Sep 2023

Yesterday we hosted our MacMillan Coffee Morning, at our head office in Bristol, to help raise funds for MacMillan's vital...

Successful ISO recertification

Successful ISO recertification

30 Jun 2023

We're pleased to confirm that following an external audit in May, we have successfully achieved recertification of all 3 ISO...

Training Success!

Training Success!

26 Jun 2023

At Space Engineering we understand and embrace the importance of developing knowledge through training. Five members of our design team...

Mental Health Awareness Week (15th – 22nd May 2023)

Mental Health Awareness Week (15th – 22nd May...

15 May 2023

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, an ideal time for us all to think about mental health, tackle stigma, and find out how we...

London Marathon Success

London Marathon Success

24 Apr 2023

We would like to wish our very own Andy Sealy and his partner Michelle congratulations on completing the London Marathon...

International Women’s Day 2023

International Women’s Day 2023

08 Mar 2023

Today is International Women’s Day.  It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.  The...